Of course, who would want to be in the cold? We must keep warm. And rightly so. Many people find it so attractive to see a house with roofs wrapped in snow and the front yard also covered with snow. That may look good on a postcard. It’s true. But truth to tell, you should treat the cold with caution.

Winter months are when more Americans give in to life-threatening diseases. And it seems science is finding out the answers. The cold, according to studies, lowers our immune system making us more susceptible to disease.

Indeed cranking up your heating system makes sense. You certainly want to be as comfortable as possible. And yet, you may be surprised to know space heating is the largest energy expense in most American homes. To date, it’s eating up about 45% of your abode’s energy bills. Knowing all that should tell you, it’s about time you find ways to minimize your expense. Giving your budget breathing room. Here’s how.

Take Care of the Furnace

Don’t be surprised if we will discuss the furnace first and foremost. Unlike boilers, furnaces won’t freeze in winter no matter how low the mercury drops. Plus, it doesn’t leak as boilers do. Most importantly, it’s less expensive—small wonder why more Americans use furnaces more than any form of heating.

The key to a healthy furnace is proper maintenance. Ensure you factor in regular maintenance so anything that needs attention can be attended to in a jiffy. When the furnace repair is timely and done by expert professionals, expect your downtime to be minimal. The right professionals come with years of experience and the best tools to get the job done in half the time.

Moreover, have your air filters replaced when the season starts and once the colder months set in. And as leaks in your ductwork can lower the abode’s overall energy efficiency, make sure you plug these holes. That has the potential to save you hundreds of dollars. To note, as much as 30% of the furnace air could get lost in the ductwork.

Better Insulation

It’s logical. If your home has a lot of holes, warm air is going to escape quickly. When that happens, you’ll have to crank the heat some more to get to the comfort level you want.

It’s paramount then that you have all those cracks sealed. You can do this by visual inspection. Look out for drafts near the windows, doors, and pipes. Better yet, use an infrared camera to pinpoint drafts with greater precision and speed.

Additionally, double-check your window stripping. When the cold months descend, these strips shrink, allowing for air to escape. All this can be a tall order if you’re not into it. If you want a comprehensive inspection, getting a pro should take care of the problem.

Lower the Thermostat

The cold can be ruthless. Just try walking on the streets when the snow is falling. But the thing is, many, if not most, Americans tend to bring about too much heat than necessary. When that happens, more energy is needed to get the heater to work.

Take note. Experts place the ideal temperature to be 68 degrees in the daytime and 60 degrees when the night sets in. Higher than that, and you are going overboard. The problem is since central heating existed in the 60s, more and more Americans chose to put their thermostat at 70 degrees in the daytime and 68 degrees in the nighttime. A degree raise means more work for your heating system.

Another important advisory is to shut off your heating when everyone is out. Who needs it anyway, right? If you want to control your heater from a distance, then getting a smart thermostat should be in order.

Deploy a Humidifier

A humidifier can be our best ally in keeping your house warm at the least cost. Think about it. During summer, we do away with the humidifier as it will warm the room more. Water does hold heat.

But in winter such a move can be useful. When you deploy a humidifier, you allow the air to moisten. When that happens, you increase the heat around you as moist air is warmer.

Check for Prepaid Power

Depending on your supplier, you may avail of prepaid power. This is when you agree to have only a particular amount of electricity delivered to you and no more. That way gives you a lot of flexibility to save.

Some providers also offer what we call “budget billing.” It’s where they estimate your monthly fee by looking at your past usage.

Indeed, there are lots of ways you can make room for a budget-friendly space heating bill. If you be conscientious about it, you should be able to get the most of it all in a cinch.

Meta Title: Money Matters: Hacks to Save Money on Heating Your Space

Meta Description: When you want to save on your heating bill, keeping these hacks in mind should be vital. They should help you on cutting those expenses.
